Hi. Now it's time to get serious. Most of us have to rely on credit cards to get us out of a jam. Everyone does it. Hopefully the balance is at zero or close when your car didn't pass inspection and you're told you need 4 new tires. Or you have the flu and can't work for a week and a half. But one day I realized, there were certain habits I could do without, and I could put $25 away every week into a savings account, and I could save up $1000 in 10 months! This may seem like a small amount of money. It may seem like too long, nearly a year! If it does, this story does not apply to you. But if you are living very hand-to-mouth, this is a great plan to help you put away funds to be used later for an emergency or for a much needed vacation, or perhaps for a down payment for a car! Just try it! It will be there for you..
Saturday, October 26, 2013
25 for Ten Plan
Hi. Now it's time to get serious. Most of us have to rely on credit cards to get us out of a jam. Everyone does it. Hopefully the balance is at zero or close when your car didn't pass inspection and you're told you need 4 new tires. Or you have the flu and can't work for a week and a half. But one day I realized, there were certain habits I could do without, and I could put $25 away every week into a savings account, and I could save up $1000 in 10 months! This may seem like a small amount of money. It may seem like too long, nearly a year! If it does, this story does not apply to you. But if you are living very hand-to-mouth, this is a great plan to help you put away funds to be used later for an emergency or for a much needed vacation, or perhaps for a down payment for a car! Just try it! It will be there for you..
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